Term 2, Week 5 Notices


Welcome to Week 5 Term 2

Morena Room 17 Whānau

Week 4 was busy with some really awesome events. Students participated in a successful Cross Country and were able to experience their fitness training pay off. On Thursday we had a wonderful Pentecost liturgy run by the Kākano team. On Thursday Mr Bach and I had an inspiring visit to St. Patrick's Te Awamutu to observe and learn more about how they do "play" in their school.  We have some great ideas and may need your help to collect things that we can use.  Watch this space!

What's happening this week:

It is Samoan Language Week. On Wednesday and Friday lunchtime, Mrs Mareroa will be in Kakano with some Samoan-related activities for all students to have a go at. 

Wednesday: Library. 

Wednesday: Kapa Haka.

Friendly Reminders:

- Chromebooks need to come to school charged. As we are a BYOD school, many of our learning activities now require devices. Headphones are essential, please. If your child's Chromebook is not working, I recommend contacting Paul (see contact details below).
- Please LABEL your children's clothing, we have quite a few issues with jerseys/fleeces ending up on the wrong body.
- Please check with your child that their headphones are working. We still have some children without, it was on the stationery list for this year and very important to have at school. They can be purchased reasonably priced at Kmart, or the school ($8)
Have a wonderful Sunday.

Lorette Tiedt and Team Kahikatea


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