Week 7 Notices

 Kamusta Parents and Caregivers

It is good to be back at Level 1 with parents able to come into school, please though remember that if your child isn't well to keep them at home.

This week is our gala week. School Gala has been set for this Friday, March 19th. A new countdown was issued to children last Friday. Please support this important fundraising event.

There will be no sausage sizzle this Friday due to the gala being held.

St Joseph's Mass at St Mary's Church - Friday 9am

NO swimming this week for Kahikatea. We will be swimming again in week 8.

Our Swimming sports day is on Monday 22nd March for our Kahikatea and Totara teams. We ask that all parents fill out the following form by Wednesday, March 17th. https://www.stmarysrotorua.school.nz/actions/webversion/?message=a10ef16996d31fceb5c489bb8d8847bf&id=530&fn=David&ln

School Swimming Sports


Year 3 - 6 Students only.

Please read the following information and complete the form below by Wednesday 17th March.

School Swimming Sports Form.

- The swimming sports will be held at the Rotorua Aquatic Centre on Tarewa Road in Rotorua.

- Years 3 – 6 students need to be dropped off at the Aquatic Centre on the day to meet their teacher by 8:45 am.

- Swimming sports will finish at approximately 2:30 pm.

-Children may come to swimming sports in their house colours, they may wear their togs under their clothes.


-Children need to be collected from the Aquatic Centre by 3:00pm at the latest.

-If your child attends After School Care or they usually catch the bus home they will be picked up from the Aquatic Centre at 2:30 pm.

-If you are unable to drop off or pick up your child from the Aquatic Centre please email Lorna Dobson.

Children will need:

togs & towels, sunhat, sunblock, warm clothes, lunch & a drink.

Should the event need to be cancelled this information will be put on our website by 7:30am and a notification sent via Facebook, Educa and the school phone app.

Whanau support will be needed on the day to help, especially in the pool. Some of our children are reluctant swimmers and your help would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact Lorna Dobson if you have any queries: lornad@stmarysrotorua.school.nz 

We have been working hard to establish routines with the students over the past few weeks. We are still getting quite a few students who are forgetting to charge their Chromebooks, or bring their hats or headphones, please help to establish this routine at home.
Students at this point should be getting their work done at school, we ask that parents read with the students each night at home for 20mins.
The children, if managing their time, should be able to get their progressions and units completed in Math-Whizz and Lexia at school.
Important Events Coming Up:
- Library is on Monday for Room 17
- Str Joseph's Mass in the church - Friday 9am
- ICT club with Mr James in Room 4 - Thursday 12:45 for Middle School children.
- School Gala has been set for this Friday, March 15th.
- Swimming Sports - March 22nd Monday
Friendly Reminders: - Chromebooks need to come to school charged. As we are a BYOD school, many of our learning activities now require devices. Headphones are essential please. - Each child needs a school hat. They can be purchased from the uniform shop for $13.
- Please LABEL your children's clothing, we have quite a few issues with shorts/dresses ending up on the wrong body.
- If you need headphones still, Kmart, The Warehouse, or school have them ranging in price from $8
-Please collect bread tags and yummy stickers, if you need a chart please have your child come see Mrs. Dinniss
I hope you have a restful Sunday night and are looking forward to an exciting week ahead.

Ka kite anō,
Lorette Tiedt and
Team Kahikatea :)


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